So the National Champions are decided during a one week competition.
Next days, Salt Lake City, Utah State, will host the 51st edition of the US Championships. Last year, Olympia Warriors conquered it 9th Championship (also won in 2008, 2009). It's easy to observe that this club, from Washington State, had dominated the competition, in 10 years won 6.
It's good to see teams coming from all parts of USA, since Alaska until New York. For one sport like Roller Hockey (Rink Hockey in USA) is difficult to have some relevance against the most important as Basketball, American Football, Baseball and Ice Hockey, but there's a lot of people which don't give up and love this sport.
Thus there will be represented the following 12 teams, from 9 States:
Distribution of represented States at US Nationals |
Washington: Olympia, Bremerton, Burlington
Texas: Decatur, Lubbock, San Angelo
Utah: Salt Lake City
Maryland: Cumberland
Arkansas: Fort Smith
Pennsylvania: Boyertown
Alaska: Anchorage
New York: Utica
California: Merced
The clubs that will compete in Salt Lake City Champs are:
Divisions and Teams
PeeWee Midget Freshman Junior
Decatur, TX Salt Lake City, UT Decatur, TX Olympia, WA
Olympia, WA Olympia, WA Bremerton, WA Cumberland, MD
Lubbock, TX Decatur, TX Boyertown, PA Lubbock, TX
Salt Lake City, UT Cumberland, MD Olympia, WA Bremerton, WA
Bremerton, WA Lubbock, TX Decatur, TX
Fort Smith, AR
Ladies Bronze Silver World Class
Salt Lake City, UT Anchorage, AK Bremerton 1, WA Salt Lake City, UT
Bremerton, WA Merced, CA Lubbock, TX Olympia, WA
Anchorage, AK Olympia, WA Cumberland, MD Cumberland, MD
Olympia, WA Decatur, TX Bremerton 2, WA Bremerton, WA
Salt Lake City, UT Olympia, WA Utica, NY
Bremerton, WA San Angelo, TX
Anchorage, AK
Divisions Teams Games
World Class 5 10
Silver 7 21
Bronze 6 15
Ladies 4 10
Junior 5 10
Freshman 5 10
Midget 6 15
PeeWee 4 10
Total 42 101
To refer that this competition will serve as selection and preparation to next American team to dispute the FIRS World Cup, next September in San Juan, also the young team to the U20 World Cup in Barcelos, Portugal, and who knows if woman are going to Brazil to play American Cup...
Let's Roll United States!!!!!!!
Thanks Xaral for the post!