Sunday, December 4, 2011

Workshop about Fitness in Roller Hockey


Certificado Preparación física de hockey patines

Duration: 100 hours
1st Day: 1 February 2012
Duration:6 months
Stuff: Avilable online
Methodology: Online
Certificate: IIDCA, Alto Rendimiento
"Specialist in Roller Hockey Fitness"
Price: 495 €

Course Objectives Translation using Google Translate)

Orient and guide the students in the theoretical and practical knowledge of hockey.
To train students to be more effective in improving the performance of hockey player.
Distinguish and apply different training methods of various physical abilities (endurance, strength, flexibility and speed) as appropriate.
Interpret the theoretical foundations that underlie the various basic planning units applied in roller hockey (session, microcycle, mesocycle, macrocycle).
Use knowledge of the evolution of the physical through biological maturation and training for career planning hockey player.
Differentiate the various types of fatigue and have a precise knowledge of the causes and triggers of the same, and know some means and methods for recovery of roller hockey player.
After completing the course the student will be able to:

To know in depth the theory behind sports training, especially in the physical preparation of roller hockey.
Correctly use the specific methodology for training the hockey player.
Accurately articulate the theory and practice.
Knowing the morphological and functional aspects of the body of the roller hockey player.
Mastering the basics of nutrition, hydration, sports massage, recovery techniques that professional hockey player needs.
Know the main assessment protocols mostly used in the field of hockey.
Identify the role of sports psychologist, to analyze the behavior of coaches and athletes and use effective intervention programs that allow us to detect and solve various problems.
Enable the student to define, characterize and analyze from the various aspects of hockey skating.
Learn the secrets of specific physical preparation hockey player, loads the correct dosage and applying the periodization that competition requires, effectively using the latest methodology.
Knowing the specific role of trainer of hockey skates in different categories and situations that may arise.

All info at:

Rolling Together has been noted the interest from roller hockey coaches all over the world, which want to learn with the best coaches in Portugal, Spain and Italy. There are a lot of them which want to improve their knowledge, but sometimes federations (including CIRH, FIRS, CERH and CSP) doesn't help. If all of us wish a better Roller Hockey in the future the share of knowledge between different parts it is very important.


  1. This Online Course to date, es only in Spanish.

  2. So this organization dont do any course in English??
